Choosing a webinar platform may seem like a walk in the park, given the sheer volume of options available. However, what seems like a blessing may as well be a curse. It can be a challenge to decide on a singular webinar platform that best fits your agenda, because there are so many available options.

To narrow down your options and make sure that you’re choosing the best platform possible, you’ll need to consider webinar platform features. These features correlate what your requirements for your specific use case.

The necessary webinar platform features vary depending on the goals of a webinar. There are, however, certain features that are of vital importance irrespective of use case or application. Foremost in this category are engagement tools. Engagement is a crucial aspect of a successful webinar that directly impacts your conversion rates. So, let’s go over the top five must-have webinar platform features to boost engagement.

Also Read: 10 Non-negotiable Webinar Platform Features

Five Webinar Platform Features That Can Boost Engagement

  • Polls and surveys for the win

You’ve heard this said everywhere that polls or surveys are amazing, but that’s because there’s definitely some truth to it. While polls and surveys cannot single-handedly make for a flawless webinar presentation, they are some of the most effective engagement tools. Surveys and polls not only help webinar hosts establish two-way communication with the audience. They also show that the audience’s opinion is valued. Say hello to greater conversion rates and better client retention.

  • The power of breakout rooms

How can dispersing the audience into breakout rooms enhance engagement? Breakout rooms are fantastic for attendee-attendee interaction, something that’s just as important for engagement as speaker-attendee interaction. It gives your participants a space to discuss their own thoughts and ideas freely, making for an overall more productive webinar experience.

  • Say yes to on-demand viewing

On-demand viewing allows you to record a live webinar and leave it up on your webinar platform so that interested parties can view the webinar when they please. On-demand viewing is convenient for those who missed the live event or simply wish to refer to parts of the webinar again. It also enables you to keep the engagement going, as people continue to play, pause, and interact with the webinar.

  • Live chat can make all the difference

A live-chat function is one of the most useful webinar platform features that you can look for. It gives participants the chance to engage freely with the speaker, asking or responding to questions, and giving their own input. Live chat can also act as a space for participants to interact among themselves.

  • Engagement analytics for future reference

Another valuable webinar platform feature to have on hand is an analytics tool, specifically engagement analytics. Engagement metrics can help ascertain what you did right and what went wrong in terms of engagement. You can then leverage this information to finetune your webinar engagement strategy and make your future webinars more engaging.

Looking for these webinar platform features when choosing a webinar software will guarantee that you don’t have to compromise. These compromises pertain to terms of engagement. The more engaging you make your webinar, the better the overall webinar experience gets. Do you need help figuring out the best webinar platform for your business? Give a call today.