Over the last several decades, technology has seeped into nearly all aspects of our lives. The education and corporate sectors, similarly, have come to be partially or completely dependent on it. The steadily rising popularity of webinars is a testament to the growing use of technology in these sectors.

Webinars have come to be an integral resource in the workplace and the classroom alike. Whether it’s for generating leads, driving engagement, or getting feedback in real time, webinars can be your friend. However, it is crucial to remember that proper presentation is the key to hosting a successful webinar.

While the subject matter of your webinar is important, your presentation can make or break your webinar. Poor presentation may lead to the attendees feeling like passive listeners instead of active participants. A passionate and energetic presentation, on the contrary, can enhance their experience tenfold and get them to pay attention.

Attention to the technical aspects of your webinar is also important in improving your presentation. Here are five tips and tricks on how to take your webinar presentation to the next level.

1. Positioning of Camera and Location

The positioning of your camera will determine how your attendees will look at you. Placing it at the wrong angle may give them an unflattering view. Instead, if you are using your computer webcam, ensure that it is at eye level. You can achieve this by mounting your laptop on a stand or placing it on a stack of books. Try to position yourself at the center of the frame, so the focus remains on you.

Try to find a location where you do not have to sit with your back against the wall. Sitting at a distance from the wall will give the background some dimension. Ensure the location is organized and neat. You can go the extra step and spice up the location with a few objects that say something about you. However, do not get too carried away, as a cluttered background can distract your audience.

2. Using an External Webcam

Using an external camera instead of your computer’s built-in webcam can greatly enhance the image quality. There are many options to choose from. Find one that fits your budget and your use case. Before your presentation, ensure that you have selected the external camera as the device of choice. It should be in the upper-right corner of the presenter console.

Some external cameras may require you to install an application to operate them. We strongly suggest reading the device’s user manual to find the correct way to set it up.

3. Proper Lighting

Lighting is one of the most significant yet most frequently overlooked components in a webinar. A well-illuminated space can completely transform the aesthetics of your presentation. Using a lamp placed at an angle can illuminate your profile and help you stand out from your surroundings. Placing another lamp at the opposite angle will somewhat blur the shadows produced by the first lamp.

Placing a light directly behind you can also help create a soft silhouette. This can give your setting that extra edge. A colored light pointed toward the background can be a nice touch. If seated next to a window, make sure you shut the blinds.

4. Audio Equipment and Acoustics

The right audio equipment will allow your attendees to hear you and guarantee the smooth execution of your webinar. We highly recommend using a wired headset with a built-in microphone. Using a Bluetooth headset can be risky as it can disconnect suddenly or lead to choppy audio.

You need to know if your location has a lot of echo or feedback. Placing a few blankets or other similar padding on the floor can help reduce it. While it is not important to purchase expensive equipment, you need to understand the situation. Investing in some quality audio gear can make a difference.

5. Paying Attention to the Small Details

Making yourself look presentable and professional can also contribute to the overall presentation. One way to do this would be to wear comfortable formal or semiformal clothes that make you stand out. Make sure you look neat and put together.

Practicing the presentation from start to finish can be a good way to internalize the material. This will make you appear confident during the actual presentation and ensure that your delivery is eloquent.

You must keep your cell phone switched off and turn off all notifications on your computer. This is to prevent any disruptions during the presentation. Look directly at the camera when speaking and mute yourself when you are not.

Key Tips & Tricks Takeaways

The pointers discussed in this article can help take your presentation from good to great. Paying attention to these aspects of your presentation will give your attendees a positive impression of you. It will also make certain that they get something out of the webinar as a whole.