How to Measure the Effectiveness of Your Marketing Efforts and Webinar Performance

Hosting a webinar is common in today’s professional world. So, once you’ve decided to host a webinar, you’ve nailed down your topic, sent out the email invitations, created a great presentation, and put on what feels like a perfect webinar. But how do you know if it was a success or not?

As with any endeavor, measuring success on a webinar depends on what you’re looking to achieve in the first place. So, before you even start creating the materials for your webinar, figure out how you are going to measure success. Begin with the end in mind.

Here are a few examples of metrics you could use to measure your webinar’s level of success:

  • The number of registered participants
  • The number of registered participants who came to the webinar
  • The number of registered participants who watched the webinar recording after it was finished
  • The number of participants who asked questions before, during, or after the webinar
  • The number of participants who opted into an additional email opportunity (a download or a future webinar)
  • The number of new clients that were a direct result of the webinar
  • An increased following on social media as a direct result of the webinar
  • The number of attendees at an event you’re hosting as a direct result of the webinar
  • Increased sales as a direct result of the webinar

…Or, you may have completely different goals in mind. Whatever your goal is, this will be how you measure the success of your webinar.

These goals will likely change for each webinar you host. The key points of measuring success will all depend on where you’re at with your business, or the topic you’re discussing on the webinar you’re hosting.

If you’re part of a new company, perhaps your first few webinars will have a goal of simply getting as many registered participants as possible to raise brand awareness or build up your email list.

As you grow as a company, your needs will change, and so will your goals. You’ll eventually start to create webinars with the hope of making sales — whether that’s through downloads, consultation calls, or new contracts and customers.

Whatever your goal (or maybe you have several goals) is, make sure it’s something you can actually measure. If you’re going to use the number of registered participants as a benchmark, set a number, even if it’s 25 or 50 participants; although you do want to challenge yourself!

This way, you can quickly see success or room for improvement. If the goal is vague, such as, “raise brand awareness”, that’s not really measurable unless you put some more details with it. Instead, you could say, “Raise brand awareness by getting 20 more followers on Twitter”. This way, you have a measurable goal.

The more webinars you host, you can start to do your own research and testing, to see what people engage with and what they don’t. Success looks different to every brand and you can easily use webinars to reach your business goals.