Have you ever missed out on a webinar that you wanted to attend because the time or date is inconvenient? As convenient as webinars are as a whole, they may sometimes clash with the attendees’ schedules. If you are planning a webinar, timing is crucial for a good turnout. There is another way of achieving an excellent turnout rate by hosting an on-demand webinar.

Hosts pre-record and stream on-demand webinars on a dedicated platform. Unlike live webinars, there is no obligation for viewers to join at a scheduled time. They can view the webinar at a time entirely of their choosing and pause it as needed. How much of the webinar content to consume is also entirely at the viewers’ discretion.

Several studies reveal that as much as 30% of webinar attendance is on-demand and not live. A WorkCast Webinar Benchmarks Report states that over one-third of all webinar attendees were on-demand attendees. These numbers alone highlight the significance of having an on-demand strategy in place. If you are looking to prolong the life of your content, on-demand webinars can be just the thing. On-demand webinars encourage continued engagement after the live event, and can be a way of driving growth. 

This article discusses a few tips to help you use on-demand webinars to generate leads effectively.

  1. Utilize a Webinar Channel For Your On-Demand Webinars

Using a dedicated webinar channel or hub for your on-demand webinars is a method to track engagement. Viewers would be able to access all your on-demand webinars on a single platform. A webinar channel would enable your audience to explore previously shared content, which helps with lead generation.

There are numerous websites to choose from when it comes to creating a webinar channel. Many of these websites even allow visitors to your channel to sign up for updates on upcoming events. A webinar channel, besides promoting on-demand webinar content, could also potentially drive traffic to your future on-demand webinars. You can also ask your attendees to fill out a form before watching the webinar, which helps you capture leads and tailor your post-webinar follow-up plan.

  1. Make Your Webinar Channel Visible

A webinar channel that is not visible to your target audience defeats the entire purpose of creating a channel. Besides marketing your on-demand webinar content, you would have to promote the channel itself wherever possible. Do you have a website that gets considerable traffic? If so, place the link to your webinar channel in a prominent part of the website. You could also paste the embed code of your webinar channel onto your website. The code offers your visitors an overview of all your on-demand webinar content directly on your website.

You can also capture leads by placing calls-to-action and lead forms on other websites, including industry associations and publications. When sharing your on-demand webinar content on social media, ensure that you link back to your webinar channel. All these tactics are excellent ways of extending your reach and getting a better turnout.

  1. Use a Content-Marketing Strategy Tailored for On-Demand Webinars

Promoting an on-demand webinar is not as straightforward as promoting a live event. Using the same marketing strategy for an on-demand webinar is bound to be ineffective. Tailor a marketing strategy to the exact nature of on-demand webinars. Promote your on-demand webinar through email marketing campaigns and during live events. You could also link to it in thank you emails that you send out to attendees of your other events.

Social media can act as an excellent platform for marketing your on-demand webinar content. Divide the content into small chunks and share them on social media platforms, linking interested parties to the webinar. Not only would this drive traffic to the specific webinar, but it would also increase engagement on your webinar channel.

  1. Pay Special Attention to Regular Leads and Engagement Analysis

On-demand webinars provide an opportunity to collect relevant data on your target audience. It is important to analyze this data on a monthly or quarterly basis. You can leverage the results of your on-demand webinar to optimize your content and boost engagement and lead generation.

Make a note of the content your target audience is engaging with and why. Tailor your content accordingly. Analyzing the results of your on-demand webinar would also give you an idea of who is engaging with your content. Based on this, you would be able to determine whether it is necessary to re-target your audience.

Prudent Practices

Integrating these tips into your on-demand webinar strategy will help you extract the most from your on-demand webinars. Make it a point to assess your plan from time to time to continue getting the most impressive results.