How to Make Useful Scripts to Guide Your Next Presentation

Part of preparing for hosting a flawless webinar is creating a useful webinar script. This is one major pro of hosting a webinar instead of giving a face-to-face, in-person presentation; you get to prepare exactly what you’re going to say!

Creating a webinar script really allows you to make sure you’re saying exactly what you wanted to say, you can plan all of your visuals to go along with your script, and you’re less likely to make mistakes when you’ve got a prepared, typed script in front of you.

But, how in detail should you go on the script? Do you have to write out every single thing you’re going to say? Don’t worry, we’ve put together some instructions so you can write a great webinar script.

Start by thinking about the webinar topic you’ve chosen. Make sure you’ve picked a topic that’s specific, interesting, relevant, and direct. Consider how you’ll present all of the information you’ve got on this topic. What portions of it will lend itself to a story? What parts of it will be best for an infographic or a chart?

Next, determine who is going to be the presenter of the webinar and who will be the host. The host is the one who kicks things off, while also fielding any questions. The host is the one presenting most of the topical information.

After that, it’s time to consider your audience. This way, you’ll know you’re presenting information that appeals to them. You’ll also want to consider that some of your audience members may be attending the webinar via a cellphone. Avoid writing things in your script that only refer to attendees on computers.

When you get to the presentation part of the script, write out the introduction for the presenter, and then only include the main points of what will be presented. Leave out any filler words, as the presenter will likely have practiced and will know mostly what to say for each section of the presentation.

For the question-and-answer portion of the webinar, write some sample questions in the script. You can use these just in case the audience is quiet at first. If there are any announcements that need to be made toward the end of the webinar, include those in the script.

Once you’re finished writing your initial draft of the script, be sure to proofread it so there aren’t any mistakes. Then, practice reading your script aloud to make sure the tone and the language are a fit with your audience.

If you have time, run a full practice round, reading the entire script and giving your prepared presentation simultaneously. This will be the true test of your script, the timing, and your presentation.

When you’re happy with your script, you can always keep it and use it for future webinars. Whether you give this exact same presentation again or create something new, your script will serve as a template. This will ensure your webinars run smoothly and you don’t leave anything on the table!