Are you looking for a webinar platform comparison to help you choose the right tool for your events? You’ve probably narrowed your options down to GoToWebinar, ON24, WebEX, and – and rightly so. These are arguably the best enterprise webinar tools you can get your hands on. 

You’re probably expecting a head-to-head comparison of these tools. Well, you’re late to the party. We already covered that. Check it out. Today, we’ll look at things a little differently. We have compiled some of the critical questions you need to ask before you sign on the dotted line.  

Webinar Platform Comparison: Questions to Ask Before Deciding

  1. What Branding Options Do I Have?

Branding is a key consideration for most enterprises. Unfortunately, not all webinar software platforms come with the option of customizing the whole attendee workflow experience. Most tools only allow you to slap your logo onto a standard template. And some don’t  allow custom branding at all, forcing you to use theirs. 

You want a webinar platform that allows you to brand anything from your landing pages to e-mails to the live event pages. Find out if branding is going to cost you extra when weighing your options. 

  1. How Much Does the Webinar Platform Cost?

Webinar packages and features can be complicated, even deceptive. But that’s only if you don’t know where to look. Before you sign up for a webinar platform, put together a list of your must-have features and confirm that the total price quoted to you has them included. 

It’s easy for the $99.99 per month price to draw you in. You must realize, however, that you will likely have to pay more to access the features you need. 

  1. What’s Your USP, and How Can it Benefit Me?

Ask the webinar provider what makes it unique. This way, you’ll better understand how you stand to benefit from working with it than the competition. 

  1. What Type of Analytics and Reporting Features Do I Get?

You need data and insights to measure the effectiveness of your webinars. KPIs (key performance indicators) include engagement, drop-offs, interaction, revenue, attendees vs. subscribers, and others. Find out if the webinar tool comes with the reporting tools you need and whether you’ll have to pay extra. 

  1. What Devices and Platforms Does the Webinar Platform Support?

What devices will your audience members be using to access your webinars? Will they be using their Androids or iOS mobile devices? Will they be using PCs? Will they use Chrome or Mozilla browsers? It’s always best to go for a webinar tool that supports all devices and browsers. 

  1. How Do You Secure Your Servers, and Can I Get Different Levels of Access for My Webinar?

Not many companies bother to ask about the access and security levels of their webinar tools. Unfortunately, when it comes to security, not all webinar tools are equal. A security breach can lead to downtime and data loss, so you need to be vigilant and work with partners who take security as seriously as you do. Find out how the webinar provider handles security and whether you can get different levels of access for different users. 

  1. Can I Access My Webinars after the Live Event?

You should be able to leverage your webinars for a lead generation even after the event has ended. This way, you maximize the ROI of every event. Make sure your webinar provider offers on-demand availability and find out whether it costs more. 

  1. What Level of Support Does the Webinar Platform Come With?

Ask your provider what support it offers for its webinar platform and whether the platform includes any in the quote. You may want to explore the option of a fully managed solution where the provider manages the event. That way, you can focus on creating content and presenting. 


You’ve gone through our webinar platform comparison between GoToWebinar, ON24, WebEX, and Now it’s time to decide. You want to select a tool that checks all the right boxes for your needs. provides the best value for any enterprise looking to drive serious traffic and real, actionable engagement. Don’t take our word for it, however. Sign up for a free trial.