
What Is An Online Webinar?

Have you ever asked, “What is an online webinar/” An online webinar is an engaging online event designed to deliver content to an audience in real time. The audience participates by asking questions or responding to polls. The term “webinar” loosely translates to “a seminar run on the web.” But there’s a lot more to it.
Webinars have taken business communication to another level. Businesses use them to provide online training, sell products and services, and make presentations, among other things. Webinar software makes this all possible. These software tools come packed with features, such as screen sharing, chat, surveys, whiteboards with drawing tools, presentations, etc. These tools allow business owners to share their expertise and knowledge through time-scheduled, organized online sessions

Types of Online Webinars

1 Thought Leadership Webinar

This is a type of webinar that enables you to position yourself as a leader in your industry. You can create valuable connections and attract a lot of new leads.

2 Lead Nurturing Webinar

This is an educational webinar that allows you to cultivate a relationship with the attendees. It helps move them down your marketing funnel. With this type of webinar, you build rapport by helping the audience to solve a real-world problem.

3 Product Demo Webinar

Do you have a new product to showcase to your prospects? Then a product demo helps you do just that. You can highlight the use-cases of the product and its benefits.

4 Customer Onboarding Webinar

This type of webinar helps to set the tone for the rest of your relationship with the customer. This webinar allows you to monitor the onboarding process in an interactive way that helps build a lasting positive relationship.

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