
Top Six Webinar Features Every Host Should Know

The best thing about hosting webinars is you can reach a wider audience and still have something for everyone. Today, webinar platforms offer some of the most flexible, versatile features that fit into just about any need bracket. While most platforms have their unique uses, knowing what you can do is key to making a powerful impact. Of the webinar features available currently, we’ve rounded up some things hosts should know to make their webinars a success.
  • Customized Webinars

This is probably the most fun. Customizing webinars say much more about you than simply putting across content to your audience. Customized webinars reflect your professional image and help you connect better with your audience. The more you can customize your webinar, the better it is. Customizable features in webinar software include adding logos/branding in your slides, changing the theme, customizing invitations, follow-up e-mails, and designing a landing page. Platforms, such as webinar.net, allow you to create customized registration questions and protect the privacy of participants. In addition, you can customize the elements of your webinar to an impressive detail, and they integrate well with other social media platforms.
  • Live Polls

Live polls work to improve one of the most important aspects of your webinar – participant engagement. As a result, many platforms extensively feature polls as a core webinar feature, and for a good reason. Polls work on many levels. These include feedback from participants, understanding the pulse of the audience, or input/suggestions on specific topics covered in the session. If used well, polls can help develop material for future webinars. Along with in-webinar polling that leads to live results, webinar.net automatically forwards questions to your e-mail. This makes it easier to track.
  • Audience Survey for Instant Feedback

The length of the webinar session isn’t just the length of the session itself. Instead, a dynamic host builds upon the discussion threads from the previous webinar. He or she can then evaluate and fill in the gaps in the next one. While most webinar software offers analytics, you must gain a perspective from your audience in real time. Survey-connected webinar features help immediately record participant experiences. This helps collect relevant and timely feedback. These responses can help you assess and enhance the impact of your webinar.
  • Recording and Hosting Recurring Webinars

Another great thing about hosting webinars is it allows your audience to watch them at their convenience. In addition, the ability to record allows an audience to access your webinar for a longer period. Recorded content has the added benefit of being edited, too. For example, editing your recorded webinar helps you create digital content that you can use at a later point. In addition, you can use these recordings to expand your subscriber base through social media handles and your official website. Webinar.net features a webcast library that helps you add new webcasts or copy previous sessions by a single drag-and-drop feature. What’s more, the platform contains a calendar that allows you to create a schedule of upcoming webinars.
  • Screen Sharing

A simple yet profound feature is screen sharing. This feature keeps you connected with your audience and helps you establish a direct connection virtually. In addition, webinar.net helps you design synchronized PowerPoint presentations with slides and animation that your attendees can control. Screen sharing can be especially useful in demonstrations and provide the “real-feel” of any concept. It helps your audience master your idea in real time, ensuring the entire audience is on the same page.
  • Smooth E-mail and Social Media Integration

Just as webinar software has become an essential means of communication, social media is also an indispensable part of networking. Platforms, such as Facebook and Twitter, are indispensable for keeping yourself updated with your audience. Many webinar platforms allow you to add a tracking pixel on Facebook that directly links ads to your webinar. This makes access easier and helps your content reach the right kind of audience. Using social media boosts your visibility and enhances your marketing potential. In addition, analytics helps you measure the effectiveness of your program. Subscribing to webinars is easy. You can seamlessly integrate it with the most popular e-mail programs today. Smooth e-mail integration helps you keep track of your registrations and maintain a database of participants interested in future webinars. Webinar.net uses an HTML-based web browser that helps you create some of the best-customized e-mails. In addition, Outlook and Google calendars back these e-mails. Based on this, you can link your registration page to social media sites, such as Google+, LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter.

Proper Utilization of the Webinar Features

Every year, there are new features introduced, and webinar platforms are continuously updating. Remember, for any webinar feature to work effectively, you need to have a clear desired outcome. Then, depending on your needs, you can make the most of the features available to you. While webinars are still second-best to direct interactions, they have excellent potential for making the best of technology.
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